Shahram Shahinzadeh
Dec 10, 2013
(8 votes)

EPiServer Developer Tool

Developer Tools contains several tools that can help developer and administrator to

1- View contents of the StructureMap container

2- View Log4net logs (based on in-memory appender)

3- View Content Type sync state between Code and DB

4- Take memory dumps

5- View templates for content

6- View and test ASP.NET routes

7- View loaded assemblies in AppDomain

8- View startup time for initialization modules

9- View diagnostic and statical Remote Events

Install as add-on in EPiServer CMS 7.5 using manual upload.

Download both code and program from

Container Tool: the Container dumps all types registered in structure Map container.


Container Type Analyzer: Shows content type synchronization status, it shows both content type model and property type model.


Loaded Assemblies: Dumps all loaded assemblies


LogViewer: Activate an in-memory appender to catch all log messages.


Remote Event: A tool for show and diagnostics for events


Memory Dump: Create a memory dump of the current w3wp process and save under appdata path.


Revert Content Types: Reset override values stored in the DB for a content type and all properties


Startup Perf: Shows timing measurements from the initialization process


Show a list of all templates registered in the system by querying each content type for its templates and then making a summarized list of the unique templates found.


Credits to Per Bjurström, Johan Björnfot and Henrik Nyström that has been helping to develop it.
Dec 10, 2013


naeem haris
naeem haris Dec 10, 2013 02:23 PM


I upgraded EpiServer 7 to EPiServer 7.5, Now i want to Migrate VPP-based files to the new media system.

I seen help here as below

It is talking about Virtual Path Provider Migration Tool. but i did not find this. Is this extra tool i need to install ? or it is part of EpiServer 7.5 instalation ? When i installed EPi 7.5 i did not get this tool.

Can you please let me know how i can find this migration tool or how i can set up if it is part of instalation.

Best regards

Dec 10, 2013 02:35 PM

You can get it here: .

Per Magne Skuseth
Per Magne Skuseth Dec 10, 2013 02:38 PM


Dec 10, 2013 05:45 PM

Wow, nice! Thank you Shahram!

Dec 10, 2013 10:06 PM

Nice. Some of this stuff should really be a part of the product. Like reverting content types.

Gilad Daniel
Gilad Daniel Mar 13, 2014 12:06 PM

wow, 10x !

Maurizio Nov 26, 2014 03:56 PM

Hi, sorry but the link to Virtual Path Provider Migration Tool is not working and I really can't find it anywhere. Anyone has a new link, please?

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