Giang Nguyen
Jul 23, 2021
(1 votes)

Get rid of Episerver Forms in-line scripts


Inline JavaScript is discouraged to use nowadays due to security concerns and optimization requirements. In fact, inline script is a huge problem if a strict Content Security Policy header has to be applied.

However, Episerver (Optimizely) Forms still rendering inline JS inside HTML document. The script initializes and defines the whole form structure, fields, error messages, JS events etc. Thus, it must be included in the front-end page in order to make forms work.


  1. Creating an MVC controller, which returns correct scripts by each form GUID
  2. Create a custom FormContainerBlock, which doesn't generating inline scripts
  3. Make use of RequiredClientResourceList service to render <script> tag at sufficient place in HTML document 

Step 1 - MVC Controllers

There are two different scripts which Forms depends on:

  • Initialization script: Initalize epi.EPiServer.Forms object with configurations in Forms.config and loads jQuery (if doesn't present on front-end)
  • "Requisite" script: This holds all information realted to the form, almost everything which has been set by editor in CMS

Initialization script be loaded in <head>, after jQuery and before "Requisite".

Initialize script (easy peasy part):

        private Injected<IEPiServerFormsImplementationConfig> _formConfig;

        public string InitScript()
            Response.StatusCode = 200;
            Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";
            return @"var epi = epi ||{ }; epi.EPiServer = epi.EPiServer ||{ }; epi.EPiServer.Forms = epi.EPiServer.Forms ||{ };
                    epi.EPiServer.Forms.InjectFormOwnJQuery = " + _formConfig.Service.InjectFormOwnJQuery.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() +
                    @";epi.EPiServer.Forms.OriginalJQuery = typeof jQuery !== 'undefined' ? jQuery : undefined";

Requisite script (lengthy one):

Some built-in services you may want to know them first: FormResourceService, FormExtensions and LocalizationService (if the site is in multilingual context).

Since this script varies across different forms, therefore, the controller for this requires an ID or GUID parameter to pass in. After that, it's super important that you'll have to validate that the param refers to an actual and published form or not. Hereby, I use GUID because we can check for the validity of the param string before hitting DB.

        private Injected<FormResourceService> _formResourceService;
        private Injected<IContentLoader> _contentLoader;
        private Injected<LocalizationService> _localizationService;

        public string Requisite(string guid)
            guid = guid ?? Request.QueryString["guid"];
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid))
                Response.StatusCode = 404;
                return "//invalid";

            Guid contentGuid;
            if (!Guid.TryParseExact(guid, "d", out contentGuid))
                Response.StatusCode = 404;
                return "//invalid ";

            var formContainerBlock = _contentLoader.Service.Get<IContent>(contentGuid) as FormContainerBlock;
            if (formContainerBlock == null)
                Response.StatusCode = 404;
                return "//not found";

            Response.StatusCode = 200;
            Response.ContentType = "text/javascript";

            // To-do: Generate script and
            return EPiServerForms_prerequisite_js;

Firstly, generate script skeleton:

var EPiServerForms_prerequisite_js = 
    EPiServer.Forms.Helpers.Internal.ModuleHelper.GetWebResourceContent(typeof(FormContainerBlockController), "custom/path/to/resource.js");

Secondly, as we know, after execution of requisite script, it will load external CSS or JS, if configured. Therefore, we need to list those resources:

// 1st round: Built-in resources
List<string> scripts, css;
_formResourceService.Service.GetFormExternalResources(out scripts, out css);

// 2nd round: Extra (and configurable) resources
List<string> elementExtraScripts, elementExtraCss;
_formResourceService.Service.GetFormElementExtraResources(formContainerBlock, out elementExtraScripts, out elementExtraCss);


Thirdly, acquire script and common messages:

var formLanguage = FormsExtensions.GetCurrentFormLanguage(formContainerBlock);
var currentPageLanguage = FormsExtensions.GetCurrentPageLanguage();
var commonMessagesObj = new
        viewMode = new
                    malformStepConfiguration = _localizationService.Service.GetString("/episerver/forms/viewmode/malformstepconfigruation"),
                    commonValidationFail = _localizationService.Service.GetString("/episerver/forms/viewmode/commonvalidationfail"),

                fileUpload = new
                    overFileSize = _localizationService.Service.GetString("/episerver/forms/messages/fileupload/overFileSize"),
                    invalidFileType = _localizationService.Service.GetString("/episerver/forms/messages/fileupload/invalidfiletype"),
                    postedFile = _localizationService.Service.GetString("/episerver/forms/messages/fileupload/postedfile")
var commonMessages = commonMessagesObj.ToJson();

Finally, replace "placeholders" in EPiServerForms_prerequisite_js at 1st step with acquired data (sorry in advance for the poor optimization):

EPiServerForms_prerequisite_js = EPiServerForms_prerequisite_js
                .Replace("___CurrentPageLink___", FormsExtensions.GetCurrentPageLink().ToString())
                .Replace("___CurrentPageLanguage___", currentPageLanguage)
                .Replace("___CurrentFormLanguage___", string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(formLanguage) ? currentPageLanguage : formLanguage)
                .Replace("___ExternalScriptSources___", scripts?.ToJson())
                .Replace("___ExternalCssSources___", css?.ToJson())
                .Replace("___UploadExtensionBlackList___", _formConfig.Service.DefaultUploadExtensionBlackList)
                .Replace("___Messages___", commonMessages)
                .Replace("___LocalizedResources___", FormsExtensions.GetLocalizedResources().ToJson());

So, the string is ready to be returned.


Create a custom path to make the scripts are devlivered in *.JS URL format.

    public class RemoveInlineScriptInitialization : IInitializableModule
        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
            var initRouteData = new RouteValueDictionary();
            initRouteData.Add("Controller", "FormBlockScript");
            initRouteData.Add("Action", "InitScript");
                new Route("custom/path/to/form-initialization.js", initRouteData, new MvcRouteHandler()) { RouteExistingFiles = false });

            var requisiteRouteData = new RouteValueDictionary();
            requisiteRouteData.Add("Controller", "FormBlockScript");
            requisiteRouteData.Add("Action", "Requisite");
                new Route("custom/path/to/form-requisite-{guid}.js", requisiteRouteData, new MvcRouteHandler()) { RouteExistingFiles = false });
        public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)
            //Do nothing :)

Why don't just editing Global.asax? Well, init module may be handly next step.

Step 2 - Custom FormContainerBlock

Firstly, create a custom form block, inherits the built-in one (why not!).

    // The model
    [ContentType(GroupName = "FormsContainerElements", Order = 1000, DisplayName = "CSP-safe Form Block")]
    public class NoInlineScriptFormContainerBlock : FormContainerBlock
        // We don't expect any difference in edit mode

    // The controller
    [TemplateDescriptor(AvailableWithoutTag = true,
                Default = true,
                ModelType = typeof(NoInlineScriptFormContainerBlock),
                TemplateTypeCategory = TemplateTypeCategories.MvcPartialController)]
    public class NoInlineScriptFormContainerBlockController : FormContainerBlockController
        public static readonly string INIT_SCRIPT = "/custom/path/to/form-initialization.js";
        public static readonly string REQUISITE_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = "/custom/path/to/form-requisite-{0}.js";
        Injected<IEPiServerFormsImplementationConfig> _formConfig;

        public string REQUISITE_SCRIPT { get; private set; } // Read-only
        public override ActionResult Index(FormContainerBlock currentBlock)
            REQUISITE_SCRIPT = string.Format(REQUISITE_SCRIPT_TEMPLATE, currentBlock.Content.ContentGuid.ToString("D"));
            return base.Index(currentBlock);

        // To-do: Force the controller to load custom JS - not the ugly inline


We can block editor to use the default Form block, so, every form won't create inline scripts anymore. We can make use of the new init module have created recently:

var contentTypeRepository = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IContentTypeRepository>();
var defaultFormBlock = contentTypeRepository.Load<FormContainerBlock>();
if (defaultFormBlock != null && defaultFormBlock.IsAvailable)
           var clone = defaultFormBlock.CreateWritableClone() as ContentType;
           clone.IsAvailable = false;

Step 3 - Load the JS files

Override the FormContainerBlockController.RegisterScriptResources, then load JS <script> tag into sufficient position in HTML doc using RequiredResourceList service:

        private Injected<IEPiServerFormsImplementationConfig> _formConfig;

        public override void RegisterScriptResources(FormContainerBlock formContainerBlock)
            var requiredResources = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<IRequiredClientResourceList>();

            // Add Init script
            requiredResources.RequireScript(INIT_SCRIPT, ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.EPiServerFormsSaveOriginaljQuery, new List<string> { }).AtHeader();
            requiredResources.RequireScript(REQUISITE_SCRIPT, ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.EPiServerFormsPrerequisite, new List<string> { ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.FormsjQuery }).AtHeader();

            // Add form-own jQuery (by configuration)
            if (_formConfig.Service.InjectFormOwnJQuery)
                    ModuleHelper.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(FormContainerBlockController), ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.FormsjQueryPath),
                    ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.FormsjQuery, new List<string> { ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.EPiServerFormsSaveOriginaljQuery }).AtHeader();
            // Add requisite script
                ModuleHelper.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(FormContainerBlockController), ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.EPiServerFormsMinifyPath), ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.EPiServerForms,
                new List<string> { ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.FormsjQuery, ConstantsForms.StaticResource.JS.EPiServerFormsRerequisite }).AtFooter();


This may not well-optimized, and not tested throughly. Please use it at your own risk.
However, I think this is a quite easy and possible way if you're striggling when setting up CSP header or trying to pass a regular penetration test.

Jul 23, 2021


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