Grzegorz Wiecheć
Jul 24, 2020
(10 votes)

Episerver Labs - LinkProperty

We would like to introduce a new Episerver Labs add-on. LinkProperty is a simple extension that allows editors to work with a single LinkItem instance.

The property is just a new UI Editor that still use PropertyLinkCollection as a backing type. It means that in the database it is a LinkItemCollection property with just one item.

The new editor looks similar to the ContentReference editor:


When editing a link, the same dialog as for LinkItemCollection property is displayed:


Using LinkProperty addon

To use LinkItemCollection as model type, you just need to annotate the LinkItemCollection property with a LinkItemProperty attribute:

[ContentType(GUID = "19671657-B684-4D95-A61F-8DD4FE60D559"]
public class StartPage : PageData
    public virtual LinkItemCollection IntranetLink { get; set; }

To use LinkItem as a model type, additionally you have to add BackingTypeAttribute attribute and override default getter and setter. These are extension methods, so it is just two lines of code:

[ContentType(GUID = "19671657-B684-4D95-A61F-8DD4FE60D559"]
public class StartPage : PageData
    public virtual LinkItem Link
        get => this.GetLinkItemPropertyValue(nameof(Link));
        set => this.SetLinkItemPropertyValue(nameof(Link), value);

LinkItem property model

For LinkItem as a model, you can additionally use a custom property renderer. It requires adding EPiServer.Labs.LinkItemProperty.LinkItemRendering.Tag tag when rendering:

@using AlloyTemplates
@model PageViewModel<TestPage>

@Html.PropertyFor(x => x.CurrentPage.Link, new { Tag = EPiServer.Labs.LinkItemProperty.LinkItemRendering.Tag })


To add a new link, you can use the edit button, drag-and-drop content from the page tree or from other reference properties on the page.

The only limitation is that you have to use Episerver CMS 11.26.0 or higher, because it contains a fix necessary to make LinkProperty work.

The add-on is available as a NuGet package.

Jul 24, 2020


Drew Null
Drew Null Jul 27, 2020 10:11 PM


K Khan
K Khan Jul 28, 2020 05:52 PM

:) very much desired behaviour

Jonas Carlbaum
Jonas Carlbaum Aug 3, 2020 11:56 AM

Nice... 👍👌

Daniel Ovaska
Daniel Ovaska Aug 10, 2020 09:36 AM

worth waiting for :)

K Khan
K Khan Aug 10, 2020 11:14 AM

couldn't find it on git, Is it on Git?

Grzegorz Wiecheć
Grzegorz Wiecheć Aug 28, 2020 06:13 AM

It's now on github:

Please report bugs releated with LinkItemProperty as issues on Github.

K Khan
K Khan Aug 28, 2020 09:37 AM


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