Jacob Pretorius
May 20, 2019
(7 votes)

Introducing the A/B Test List Gadget

Episerver A/B testing has been around for a while, and editors can easily use it to get some real-world metrics that measure how different content versions compare. However with complex websites, it can be difficult to get the right message across as efficiently as possible on all devices – A/B testing is a powerful tool to make sure our sites do just that.

Unfortunately, it can be rather difficult for editors to keep track of exactly what is being tested, how far along the tests are and which changes seem to be doing the best. On larger builds with multiple sites and many different editorial teams it can quite easily become a "who knows?" type problem.

Out of the box you could go to CMS edit mode and get some info on the "Tasks" tab, but that list feels very hidden and leaves a lot to be desired.

With this in mind, we at Zone decided to create a CMS dashboard gadget which gives editors a list of running A/B tests, owners, results, views, participation percentage and a direct link to the detailed test overview page. This list can also be filtered based on the test site directly from the component interface.

We think this is a much better way to get an overview of exactly what is going on with A/B testing across the whole build and allows editors to get the most of this powerful testing tool.

The component can be installed using NuGet from the Episerver feed by searching for Zone.Epi.ABTestListGadget.

The code for the component can also be found on GitHub if you want to customise and expand it more – please let me know if you do as we are interested in seeing where this could go.

May 20, 2019


Paul McGann (Netcel)
Paul McGann (Netcel) May 20, 2019 02:58 PM

Nice work Jacob and Zone!

Sanjay Kumar
Sanjay Kumar Apr 3, 2020 11:52 AM

Hi All,

If you want to learn more about the A/B testing and Personalization please visit on my blog post.


I hope that it will increase your knowledge.


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