Le Giang
Apr 5, 2018
(4 votes)

Upload media in the Select content dialog for TinyMCE 2.0.0

Hi there!

In the previous post, I have implemented upload media function for Selection content dialog but it just works with CMS 10.x. I have updated the add-on to work with CMS 11 and TinyMCE 2.0.0.

I also make the uploaded media selected automatically. You can find and download the nuget package by adding the nuget source: https://www.myget.org/F/episerver-util/api/v3/index.json.

Note: After installing, you may face with the run time error "module not found", please kindly refer to this post to fix it. Good luck!

Apr 05, 2018


Antti Alasvuo
Antti Alasvuo Apr 5, 2018 06:43 PM

Nice! Thumbs up.

Is there a reason it is not available from nuget.episerver.com? You do know there is the https://www.myget.org/ service where you can host your own nuget feed for free for public feeds. Would be easier to consume the package and if you make updates to the packages people using it will get it easily from the feed (vs now download the package and place it to some local disk based nuget source in Visual Studio).

Arild Henrichsen
Arild Henrichsen Apr 11, 2018 09:49 AM

Nice work! Is getting this into the core product on the roadmap too?

valdis Apr 17, 2018 07:34 AM

just wondering - why to host package in myget?

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