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Interface IExpressionValidator

Expression validator interface. Every expression validator must implement this interface.

Namespace: Mediachase.Commerce.Marketing
Assembly: Mediachase.Commerce.dll
Version: 11.8.3
[Obsolete("Use promotion system in EPiServer.Commerce.Marketing instead. Will be removed in a future major release, but not earlier than August 2018.")]
public interface IExpressionValidator


Eval(String, String, IDictionary<String, Object>)

Evals the specified expression against the context passed in the dictionary.

ValidationResult Eval(string key, string expr, IDictionary<string, object> context)
Type Name Description
System.String key

The key. Must be a unique key identifying the current expression. It might be used for caching purpose by the engine.

System.String expr

The expression that needs to be evaluated.

System.Collections.Generic.IDictionary<System.String, System.Object> context

The context, which consists of object that will be accessible during expression evaluation.

Type Description