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Interface IPromotionEntryPopulate

Promotion entry populate interface. This interface will be used to populate promotion entry object with attributes from the line item or other object.

Namespace: Mediachase.Commerce.Marketing
Assembly: Mediachase.Commerce.dll
Version: 11.8.3
[Obsolete("Use promotion system in EPiServer.Commerce.Marketing instead. Will be removed in a future major release, but not earlier than August 2018.")]
public interface IPromotionEntryPopulate


Populate(PromotionEntry, Entry, MarketId, Currency)

Populates the specified promotion entry with attribute values from the catalog entry.

void Populate(PromotionEntry promotionEntry, Entry catalogEntry, MarketId marketId, Currency currency)
Type Name Description
PromotionEntry promotionEntry

The promotion entry.

Entry catalogEntry

The catalog entry to populate the promotion entry from.

MarketId marketId

The market to use for pricing the item.

Currency currency

The currency to use for pricing the item.

Populate(PromotionEntry, LineItem)

Populates the specified promotion entry with attribute values from the line item.

void Populate(PromotionEntry promotionEntry, LineItem lineItem)
Type Name Description
PromotionEntry promotionEntry

The promotion entry.

LineItem lineItem

The line item to populate the promotion entry from.

PopulateCustom(PromotionEntry, Object)

Populates the specified promotion entry with attribute values from the object.

void PopulateCustom(PromotionEntry promotionEntry, object obj)
Type Name Description
PromotionEntry promotionEntry

The promotion entry to populate.

System.Object obj

The object to populate values from.


This method exists only for extensibility, and stock implementations will throw a NotSupportedException.

Type Condition

The method is not supported in this implementation.