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Interface ICartSearch

This interface is intended to be used internally by EPiServer. We do not support any backward compatibility on this.

Namespace: Mediachase.Commerce.Orders.Internal
Assembly: Mediachase.Commerce.dll
Version: 11.8.3
public interface ICartSearch


FindCarts(Nullable<DateTime>, Nullable<DateTime>, String, Int32, Int32, out Int32)

Finds ICart by a set of parameters.

IEnumerable<ICart> FindCarts(DateTime? createdFrom, DateTime? createdTo, string marketId, int startingRecord, int recordsToRetrieve, out int totalRecords)
Type Name Description
System.Nullable<System.DateTime> createdFrom

The time specified that returned carts were created after.

System.Nullable<System.DateTime> createdTo

The time specified that returned carts were created before.

System.String marketId

The market specified that only carts created in the market should be returned.

System.Int32 startingRecord

The starting record to retrieve.

System.Int32 recordsToRetrieve

The number of records to retrieve.

System.Int32 totalRecords

The total records returned.

Type Description

A collection of ICart.