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EPiServer Commerce provides two order events for integration purposes so actions can be taken during these events. These events are synchronous, Therefore it is important for the actions to be quick, or be done in an asynchronous manner, so the event can return while the action does its work.

Example of how to use events

public class OrderEventInitialization : IConfigurableModule
    public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)
        OrderContext.Current.OrderGroupUpdated += Current_OrderGroupUpdated;
        OrderContext.Current.OrderGroupDeleted += Current_OrderGroupUpdated;

    private void Current_OrderGroupUpdated(object sender, OrderGroupEventArgs e)
        Task.Run(()=> DoSomething(sender as OrderGroup, e));

    private void DoSomething(OrderGroup order, OrderGroupEventArgs e)
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Last updated: May 25, 2015

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