Release Notes for EPiServer Mail 4.4

Last updated:

Release Note Information

EPiServer Mail 4.4 release notes:

  • Compatible with CMS 5 R2 (Create+ and Relate+)
  • New GUI with EPiServer branding
  • Installation with EPiServer installer (Deployment center)
  • A new EPiServer Mail tab in edit mode where you can send the current page and view mail statistics. The new “Trend” graph enable you to create a node for example “Weekly Newsletter” and then create newsletters under that node. The trend graph will  then show statistics over time for the newsletters.
  • It is now possible to choose to have recipient identity information passed on to the target page for links in the mail text version
  • Uses System.Web.Extensions in .NET 3.5, removing dependency on the separate AJAX 1.0

Bugs Resolved

The following bugs are resolved:
#20125: HREF links's surrounded by single quotation marks (') doesn't work
#14790: Not using encryption will give error and not warning

Issues with the Integration provider and CMS multiplexing membership provider have been fixed in a separate hot fix for EPiServer.Common that is recommended to download directly after your EPiServer Mail installation is completed
If installing EPiServer Mail 4.4 on to an EPiServer CMS 5 R1 SP1 Web site a further hot fix is required


EPiServer Mail 4.4 now has dependencies on EPiServer.Common and all references to “StarSuite” are removed.


A Migration tool for upgrading the database from 4.3 to 4.4 will be released soon.