Release Notes for EPiServer Relate+ 1.0 SP1

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Summary of the Release

This service release of EPiServer Relate+ includes a number of bug fixes in the API’s as well as in the administration interface, and some new features and improvements:

  • A new Comments function has been introduced which allows for commenting on all Framework Entities. A Comment itself is a Framework Entity and can be reported, rated, tagged etc. For compatibility reasons , The Image, Video and BlogEntry comments are left intact but will probably be replaced by this system over time.
  • Framework types Visit, Report and ReportCase are now implementing IAttributeExtendableEntity via the new AttributeExtendableEntityBase and can therefore have dynamic attributes set. Furthermore, the Equals method is now more consistently overridden to check for entity equality rather than the default behavior.
  • A new unsubscribe function for EPiServer Mail where you may select a category for the mailing and letting the recipients unsubscribe to the mailing category (or all mailings from this installation) by clicking an auto generated link that can easily be included in the mail templates. A template for the actual unsubscribe landing page is also shipped with the release.
  • The Relate+ Templates have had some bugs and performance fixes, and not the least a NewsFeed tab in addition to the MiniFeed on MyPage. The NewsFeed  is an aggregation of actions performed by the user's friends.
  • The Relate+ Package Installer now includes EPiServer Mail so that you will have all parts of the commercial packaging up and running after an install.
  • New deployment options in Deployment Center now allows for upgrading and installing EPiServer Community on an existing CMS site.