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Increase framework dependency for Azure packages

Fixed in

EPiServer.Commerce 13.15.0

(Or a related package)


Nov 22, 2019


Jan 20, 2020


Closed, Fixed and tested


EPiServer.Azure package has increased its framework dependency to net462, so other dependent packages should do the same.

Since the EPiServer.Azure package increased its version to 10.x, we updated its dependency in EPiServer.Commerce.Azure and EPiServer.CommerceManager.Azure, and set the version range to 10.x.
We also updated the target framework of the above Commerce packages to .NET 462 (previously .NET 461).

Note: Old Quicksilver versions refer to Microsoft.Data.Edm 5.8.1. Customers may get a 'missing package' error (since we only provide version 5.6.2). You can easily solve this by installing version 5.8.1 from