Index of content should be deleted when move it to another Catalog

Found in

EPiServer.Find.Commerce 11.0.1

Fixed in

EPiServer.Find.Commerce 11.1.0

(Or a related package)


Nov 22, 2018


Apr 17, 2019


Closed, Fixed and tested


Precondition: Install FindCommerce to QuickSilver.

  1. Create a Catalog name Catalog1 with avaiable Language: English
  2. In Catalog1, create a Category name CategoryA. Publish it
  3. Create a category name Sub1 that is child of CategoryA. Publish it
  4. Create a Catalog name Catalog2 with available Language: Svenska
  5. In Catalog2, create a category name CategoryB. Publish it
  6. Move Sub1 from CategoryA to CategoryB
  7. Go to Find/#configure/boosting. Then search by: Sub1

Expected: Sub1 of CategoryA isn't returned. Because it was moved to CatetoryB at step6
Observed: Sub1 of CategoryA is returned. If open it, error will occurs
Note: This issue also happens in FindCommerce 11.0.1