Ability to turn on/off decompounding in Find

Fixed in

EPiServer.Find 12.3.0

(Or a related package)


Sep 20, 2016


Oct 06, 2022


Closed, Acceptance tests pass


The default query setting is to not decompound the query string. To enable decompounding, use this syntax:

.For("query", x => x.Analyzer = Language.Swedish.Analyzer)

This change only affects Swedish and Norwegian.
Here's how it works. If a user submits a search term fotbollsmatch, the query only matches fotbollsmatch/er/en/… and not (as it did previously) ‘fotboll/ar/en/..’ and match/er/en/….
On the other hand, if a user submits the search term fotboll, the search matches fotboll/ar/en… ,fotbollsmatch/er/en/…, and fotbollsplan/er/en.