KPI to determine average order value

Fixed in

EPiServer.Marketing.Testing 2.0.0

(Or a related package)


Aug 19, 2016


Oct 23, 2020


Closed, Acceptance tests pass


KPI to determine the total average order for users after they are included in an A/B test.

Behavior of this new conversion type are as follows:
1. The average order KPI counts a conversion when a given cart is fully processed as a purchase.
2. The average order KPI purchase value is the value of the cart items excluding taxes or shipping costs.
3. The average order KPI allows for multiple conversions for a single view. Since we count cart purchases as a conversion, a single user can potentially trigger a view (which counts once) but make multiple purchases - each purchase counts as an order and is tallied separately.
4. The average order KPI will be displayed in the details, pick a winner and archive views as an average of all purchases and as a dollar amount without the typical pie chart.