
Make sure that you have installed Service Pack 1 for Visual Studio 2005 before following the instructions below. It can be downloaded from

  1. Make sure that the site is running ASP.NET 2.0 by selecting the ASP tab in the admin interface of IIS. Alternatively use the aspnet_regiis.exe tool to install the ASP.NET 2.0 script maps. Execute aspnet_regiis /? for information on usage.
  2. Download the ASP.NET 2.0 templates zip file.
  3. Make a backup of all files in the Web site folder.
  4. Unpack the zip file.
  5. Remove the templates folder and the EPiServerSample.csproj.webinfo file.
  6. Copy the unzipped files to the Web site folder - make sure the files from the admin folder are copied into the correct destination folder, if you have renamed the admin folder of your installation.
  7. Replace the existing <pages> element with the following segment in your web.config:
    <pages validateRequest="false" enableEventValidation="false">
            <add tagPrefix="EPiServer" namespace="EPiServer.WebControls" assembly="EPiServer" />
            <add tagPrefix="WebParts" namespace="EPiServer.WebParts.WebControls" assembly="EPiServer.WebParts" />
            <add tagPrefix="WebParts" namespace="EPiServer.WebParts.WebControls.Wsrp" assembly="EPiServer.WebParts" />
  8. Open the Web Application Project in VS2005.
  9. Compile and run the project.
  10. If you are using the sample site you need to remove the old portal page (“Portal Framework” in the top menu) since it is not supported in ASP.NET 2.0.

For information on how to install Episerver CMS with the Development Web Server shipped in Visual Studio 2005, see the Release Notes.