Release Date: 2nd December 2008


This hotfix should only be applied if you are affected by the problem described. This hotfix only applies to sites that have been upgraded to Episerver CMS 5 R2 from Episerver CMS 5 R1. The assembly EPiServer.WebParts.dll is re-introduced.

Problem fixed with this hotfix:

  • Issue # 16455 - after upgrading from Episerver CMS 5 R1 to Episerver CMS 5 R2 saved personalized WebParts from the R1 site will be lost. This problem will be permanently rectified in the Episerver CMS 5 R2 SP1 release.

Installation Instructions

  1. Extract the attached zip file.
  2. Copy the extracted files to the bin folder.
  3. Register the assemblies in the GAC.
  4. Add a binding redirect directive to the web.config file; see below:
          <assemblyIdentity name="EPiServer.WebParts"
           culture="neutral" />
          <bindingRedirect oldVersion=
           newVersion="5.2.375.7" />