"Loading Editor..."

Hi, A lot of our editors are having problems with the editing windows getting stuck displaying "Loading editor..." instead of the toolbar and text input. This seems to happen randomly on different templates and in different user scenarios. It has even happened with pages with no content in them, any ideas? Thanks in advance
Jun 11, 2007 19:05
This might be a known bug caused by hr-tags ("
") in the text. Try to get previus versions of the page and then remove the hr-tag in the editor, or create code to remove the hr-tag of the current version.
Jun 12, 2007 10:23
I forgott to write that the hr-bug generates a JavaScript error when loading the editor. Is there any error in the statusbar of explorer or any popups?
Jun 12, 2007 10:28
Vi har också haft det problemet och misstänkt att det har samband med
. Är det alltså en känd bugg i programmet?
Jun 12, 2007 14:25
Hi. Yes we have recieved different reports of problem with
tags in the editor but have not been able to reproduce the problem in development. issue: 0045045:
tags may cause scripterrors when the editor is loading Note, If you are using Internet explorer 7 you should download the ie7 fix from http://www.episerver.com/en/EPiServer_Knowledge_Center/News--Information/News-Knowledge-Center/Updated-templates-and-style-sheets-available-at-EPiServercom/ It solves: Tables in the editor. Right click menu in View mode. Setting focus in an editor by clicking it. Solved certain issues with Internet Explorer and doctype declarations. Changes made to MasterPage.master to make the left hand menu appear correctly. Fixed rendering of left menu. Added an img.childindicator class and div.menutext to correctly render the small arrow image and the menutext. Changed rendering of listitems in WorkroomList.ascx.
Jun 13, 2007 8:29
Hi again. Another thing, the problem can be a javascript error so check that first and also check that the browser can run javascript. If the site has recently been upgraded to newer version of episerver then some old javascript files can be loaded from the cache. So clear the cache too. Regards Per
Jun 13, 2007 16:20
Felet kan enkelt framkallas på detta sätt: 1. Skapa en vanlig webbsida 2. Infoga Horisonell linje 3. Tryck 4. Spara och publicera. Nästa gång du försöker redigera sidan uppstår problemet.
Jun 26, 2007 8:58

I find this VERY annoying. Every time I find an answer in the forum, it ALWAYS points into a dead link.



doesnt work at all and cant even be searched upon.Frustrating and annoying.

Apr 01, 2009 8:57

Try this one cause it worked for me.

In web.config find tag <add key="EPfHtmlEditor" and set the value to true or false. This Depends on witch editor you use, Dhtml (True) or ActiveX component (False)



May 09, 2009 1:27
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.