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As a EPiServer developer I want to customize content type property interception


The reason is having code like the following (see for details) :


        public class PageBase : PageData
            public virtual IEnumerable<PageBase> Children { get; internal set; }
        public void GetPageModel_ReturnsContentPagesAvailableForCurrentUser()
            var list = new ListPage
                ContentPages = new[]
                            new ArticlePage { IsAvailableForCurrentUser = true },
                            new ArticlePage { IsAvailableForCurrentUser = false }

            var result = Orchestrator.GetContentModel(list);


    In order to utilize full power of Castle interceptors I'd like several things to be configurable over IoC (see example code below): 

                // ContentDataInterceptorHandler to be overriden to allow customize interception logic and configure windsor container

                // Hook is called once when gen­er­at­ing proxy type, to filter out properties we can intercept 
                // and selector works for each generated proxy instance



in terms of features I'd like to be able to configure:

  • IWindsorContainer you use in ContentDataInterceptorHandler
  • Interceptor hook
  • Interceptor selector




Dec 16, 2013 18:24
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