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TemplateDescriptor Tags


Is it possible to obtain current Tag that was used to resolve template renderer in context of template renderer (mvc controller)?


Dec 18, 2013 16:28

I think you get get it from the RequestContext.RouteData.Values["tag"].  Try that,  I am not for sure but it should.

Dec 19, 2013 5:18

That doesn't work atleast in my case when I used following statement in the view:

Parent View:

@{ Html.RenderContentData(content, false, "Card"); } //"Card" is tag that should be used to resolve render


[TeplateDescriptor(Tags=new []{"Card", "Line") ...]

MyController: ContentControler<MyContentType>{

public Action Result(MyContentType currentContent){

//... I want to switch actual view by current active tag



I've looked at decompiled code of RenderContentData method, and found out that it uses tag value passed only to resolve template. It doesn't put it anywhere.

So I assume that there is no out of the box way to do that.




Edited, Dec 19, 2013 10:33

You can listen on:

public event EventHandler<TemplateResolverEventArgs> TemplateResolved;


then store in somewhere by self and reuse it after!

Hope that help!

Ha Bui

Dec 27, 2013 11:52
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