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Why don't you filter page properties during validation?




I like clear unit testing approach and use library to have code like 

public class PageBase: PageData

    public virtual IEnumerable<PageBase> Children { get; internal set; }

But in EPiServer 7.5 DataAnnotationsValidator<T>.ValidateInstance for some reason reads ALL the properties (not only public virtual aut properties, or properties configured by your ContentScannerExtension/CustomContentScannerExtension contract) and tries to validate every collection (IList) item.

Is it a bug or feature?

I see 2 problems here:

1) I'd like to keep using my own properties in page types, but seems the latest release doesn't take this into account (I have several proposals, but it's a subject for another post)

2) I definitely want to be able to configure which properties to exclude from validation in the current situation

Dec 16, 2013 18:11
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