How to set startpage in EPIserver


I have created a CMS site with 4 pages in EPIServer. Now I want to set the page with id '5' as the start page. in episerver.config section I am not finding the sitesettings section . I am developing the MVC application template provided by .NET. But not getting any option for setting pagesstartid. Where to set taht in episever.config file.

<episerver xmlns="http://EPiServer.Configuration.EPiServerSection">
    <workflowHost type="EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.AspNetWorkflowManager,EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation" />
      <!-- definition:           Workflow definitions that should be predefined, that is if no definition with
                                     specified type exists it will be created-->
              <definition name="Sequential Approval"    description="A sequential approval workflow for pages"          type="EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.Workflows.SequentialApproval,EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation"/>
              <definition name="Parallel Approval"      description="A paralell approval workflow for pages"            type="EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.Workflows.ParallelApproval,EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation"/>
              <definition name="Request for feedback"   description="Assigns request for feedback tasks to users/roles" type="EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.Workflows.RequestForFeedback,EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation"/>
              <definition name="Ready for translation"  description="Assigns translation tasks to users/roles"          type="EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.Workflows.ReadyForTranslation,EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation"/>
      <!-- externalService:      Custom services that is to be registered with workflow runtime-->
      <externalService type="EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.Workflows.ApprovalService,EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation" />
      <externalService type="EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.Workflows.ReadyForTranslationService,EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation" />
      <externalService type="EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation.Workflows.RequestForFeedbackService,EPiServer.WorkflowFoundation" />
      <!-- reference:            References for xoml based workflows, used at compiling of xoml based workflows-->
      <!-- reference path="C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mysiste\bin\customdependency.dll" /-->
  <applicationSettings httpCacheability="Public" pageValidateTemplate="false" uiShowGlobalizationUserInterface="true" urlRebaseKind="ToRootRelative" uiUrl="~/EPiServer/CMS/" utilUrl="~/util/" />


Jan 16, 2014 13:59

Site definitions have moved from config to database.

You can set the start page by going to admin mode -> config -> manage websites -> edit web site

Jan 16, 2014 14:51

Thanks for your solution.

Jan 20, 2014 14:56
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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