VPP Migration



I have migrated VPP folders with the migration tool.

The migration seems to succeeded. The virtual path is removed from episerverframework.config, blobs has been created, and the links to files (pdf etc) seems to work when browsing the site.

The problem seems to be for pagefiles. These files could not be found in the UI.

The media gadget it's empty under "For this page" where the files is expected to be found.

Anyone knows what could be wrong?

Dec 05, 2014 8:07

What properties do you have defined for pdfs and other page files that are missing from the media gadget? Could you post that code you used for vpp migration tool?

Referring to something like this: 

[ContentType(GUID = "BB0099B6-5C65-4D37-9812-ED0D3E12BC2F")]
[MediaDescriptor(ExtensionString = "pdf")]
public class PdfMedia : MediaData
   public virtual int MyProperty { get; set; }

Dec 06, 2014 1:47

I've tested both without a dedicated class for PDF, and with a dedicated class "PdfMedia" as the example you send.

I had an error first time I run the migration-tool with sitepagefiles ( an strange error "The component with of the type SiteSeeker.EPiServer.EPiServerNotificationManager was not registered with the container").

Is it possible to re-run the migration? Which steps do I have to take if it's possible?

Dec 08, 2014 9:38

You should just be able to re-run the migration as the tool will only process files that have yet to migrated.

If you want to start a fresh re-run of the tool, you can revert to a DB backup copy that wasn't touched by VPP migration and you can delete or backup the current blobs folder. Then run vpp migration tool after that.

I haven't seen that particular error message before, unfortunately, but looking at error seems to complain about some siteseeker reference(s).

Edited, Dec 09, 2014 2:21
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.