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Does everyone have the episerver nuget feed installed in the nuget manager? Also make sure you have enabled nuget package restore on the solution-file.
Can confirm that it is the missing package source. You can pass a setting file, nuget.config, in your restore command.
nuget.exe restore "Path to Project root" -ConfigFile "nuget.config"
And in your nuget.config
Thanks, explicitly calling nuget.exe with the nuget.config as a param seemed to work.
I do not agree Valdis. So he's telling us we're in big trouble with the next release of, where all dependencies are NuGet packages? But I guess some of them will be stored locally in a separate source.
So, I've got my project set up with libraries managed by nuget. packages.conf has a set of versions in it for my various libraries. Everything is nice and tidy! Now when I need to stand up a new developer, or create a new CI instance, I just need to do a svn checkout, then run `nuget.exe restore` and all of my project dependencies are created like magi....
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Is this something on my end, or...I mean, you guys can't possibly take libraries offline from after a week or so. Right?