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Cant select uploaded media


Hi, I uploaded images to Media. Here you can see screenshot:


And then I am trying to select this one image

I created block with field URL:


        public virtual Url Url
                var url = this.GetPropertyValue(b => b.Url);

                return url == null || url.IsEmpty()
                    ? new Url("/Static/gfx/emptytopbanner.png")
                    : url;
            set { this.SetPropertyValue(b => b.Url, value); }

But i cant see this one image when I press "browse":


Any ideas?

Sep 04, 2014 12:40

Can you see other images of the same type? If not, how does the content type that's used for this file type look like?

Sep 04, 2014 13:17
Fixed! Sorry guys , I had two similar ContentTypes but with different names. I delete one and now everything is ok.
Sep 04, 2014 13:41
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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