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EPiServer Self-Optimizing Block


I have just installed this addon with nuget and I am having problem with that it looks in the wrong places for the files.

After I installed it I got a folder named EPiServer.Cms.AddOns.Blocks in my _protected folder and I could create a Self Optimizing block in the editor.

But after I have giving it a name I get a 404 to the onpageedit (/EPiServer/CMS/Content/globalassets/,,26606/?epieditmode=True) and when I try to go into the allformsmode I get a javascript error saying that it can not find the file: /EPiServer/Shell/

This seems to be that it looks in the wrong place for that file, or should the nuget package be adding files to that directory?

Jan 26, 2015 9:07

I noticed that this must be a bug, so I am now reporting it, will get back to tell how it goes

Jan 26, 2015 9:52

Thanks for discovering this issue and reporting it. We'll take a look on the Support side and see if we can reproduce.

Jan 26, 2015 18:05

Thanks Richly, I have now found out that it is just in my site, testing it on a alloy and it works great......

Jan 28, 2015 10:19

I solved it.

The problem was that I was using CMO and I had not run the cmdlet Move-EPiServerProtectedModules. After I did that, it was no problem to install this AddOn.

Jan 28, 2015 13:23

Great to hear you got it resolved and shared the resolution. Good to know :).

Jan 28, 2015 21:20
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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