Missing download package for EPiServer CMS 7?



When I browse to the following URL


there's no download package available.

Is the download package for EPiServer CMS 7 included in some other package?

Oct 24, 2016 16:13

Hello Marcus

This link should work: http://world.episerver.com/download/Items/Episerver-CMS/Episerver-7---CMS/

Is there a reason you want to download that specific version rather than work on a project with it already installed?


Oct 24, 2016 18:03


We need to upgrade our current version from 7.1 to the latest (if possible).

The plan is to clone our live site to a staging server, and on that staging server do a test upgrade.

On my local machine I've managed to upgrade to 8.0 with a few minor bumps. Beyond that it gets shaky...

Oct 25, 2016 8:33

Sounds interesting! At least post 7.5 you can just use the Episerver Nuget feed for upgrades. Episerver 10 was released yesterday so its always good to stay up to date :)

Oct 25, 2016 15:32
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