Short URL



Can somebody tell me where I can find the Short URL in the Database? I have a page with a short name and it is sending me to a different page address. Is it possible to have duplicate Short URLs?


Feb 15, 2016 15:54
public string GetSimpleAddress(PageData page) 
    string url; 
    //Fetch the simple address 
        url = (string)page.Property["PageExternalURL"].Value; 
        url = string.Empty; 
    //Return the regular URL if no simple address was found 
    return (url != string.Empty ? url : page.LinkURL); 

You can normally only have a single simple url (if you are not using SEO Manager).
Think about canonical links for SEO while you are at it...
Edited, Feb 15, 2016 16:04


Do you know if it is possible to query the database to see if there are duplicate Simple Urls? 

Feb 15, 2016 16:17

Don't think the API will allow multiple simple urls to the same so shouldn't happen. Are you sure you don't have a shortcut set on the page? You can set those in edit mode that will cause a redirect to another page...

Feb 15, 2016 16:25


I have set this up in the Admin section of the page - under the Simple URL. But when I enter the simple url it takes me to another page that doesnt exist. I am basically trying to help our client find the issue and it would be handy to query the database via SQL to see if there are duplicates.

Feb 15, 2016 16:33

tblContentLanguage -column ExternalUrl? My memory is a bit fuzzy on that one...

Feb 15, 2016 17:15

A bit late to the party here but don't forget that report center has a "Simple addresses" report that can be used to find simple addresses for all pages.

Feb 15, 2016 20:17
Vote: center...always forget that one hehe :)

Feb 15, 2016 20:46
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