If you set the type of property to DateTime, the default bechaviour is that combobox with calendar will be used as an editor.
public class ProductPage : StandardPage { public virtual DateTime TestDate { get; set; } }
If you need calendar without combobox, means that the calendar will be always visible, you need to annotate property with ClientEditor attribute:
public class ProductPage : StandardPage { [ClientEditor(ClientEditingClass = "dijit/Calendar")] public virtual DateTime TestDate { get; set; } }
There is a calendar web control from the old WebForms days, but I would not recommend that you use it.
It's much better that you build your own views for these kind of functions and not rely on built in rendering from Episerver.
You'll be able to customize your views better if you build them yourself.
Do we have a Calendar Control in EPiServer, if so how would the default view look like ?
if you know any info about this, please share.