Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Opticon Stockholm is on Tuesday September 10th, hope to see you there!
Install-Package EPiServer.CMS.UI -Version 7.5.394.2
As far as I remember there were some kind of NuGet package reorganzations around 7.6 version.
Vladis is right. Check in the references what versions you have and change to the corresponding nuget instead. You can see the version history both in VS and on the nuget website for epi:
http://nuget.episerver.com/en/OtherPages/Package/?packageId=EPiServer.CMS.Core for instance.
My team is using EPI SErver CMS 7.5.394.2 version. When I tried to create the site using Deployment Center it just dumped all the dlls in the bin folder.
But I wanted the dlls to be refered via NuGet. Where can I find the old NUGET packages of EPI? I tried installing Install-Package EPiServer.CMS -version 7.5.394.2, but got error.
Anyhelp is highly appreciated.