APP DATA Security



I'm currently setting up episerver and have a question around security for APPDATA - the plan is for the APPDATA to sit on a fileshare on the domain and the web servers to sit outside of the the domain - but this mean i'd need to parse security credentials to authenication to the Fileshare - of which i seem to be having problems with.

  1. Does anyone know if its possible to specify an account to authenicate with on the appdata path?
  2. Is there any recommendation for the web servers to be domain joined or not?

Thanks in advance


Mar 22, 2018 12:59

By default the setup would be that domain is used and you have service account for the IIS application pool which is then used to access the fileshare and local disk (assuming permissions are correctly set).

Is the fileshare a server(s) or SAN disk?

Hack with fileserver:

I think I've been once long a time ago been a bad boy..

  • create local windows account on all the servers (web fronts and the file server(cluster?))
    • using same username and password on all machines
  • set IIS application pool to use this local account
  • create file share on the file server and give persimissions on the local account just created
  • point the blob fileshare in the episerver.framework to point to the share

After telling this I'll tell you again, don't do it :)

Mar 22, 2018 19:35
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.