Can't Login to Episerver back office using Non windows account


I have set up a brand new episerver project. Everything works fine.
I can log in using my windows password. 

I want to create another user that is not a windows account.

So I create the user in the Admin section of Episerver, set a password and an email.

But when I try and login with the new user, episerver does not say the password is wrong,

(I have experimented putting in the wrong password and it says login failed)

it just reloads the page. 

So I am gussing this is something to do with some other access right settings.

Can someone point me in the right direction on this please?

Jul 06, 2018 18:06

Hi Ayo,

In web.config, find location path=“Episerver” section and check which roles/user groups are allowed to access edit mode.

Then go to admin mode, make sure those groups exist in Epi DB, and that your user is a member of one of those groups.

Edited, Jul 07, 2018 8:18
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.