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Page Type save event.



I'd like to implement some additional CMS auditing to record when any changes are made to a page type by a user within the CMS (Such as adding a new property, or removing an existing property).

I was hoping that there would be an event or something similar that I can hook into but am having trouble identifying anything suitable.

Has anyone accomplished a similar thing?


Jul 03, 2018 15:00


I haven't tested this myself but there two static events on ContentTypeRepository (ContentTypeSaved and ContentTypeDeleted), that I think you should be able to use to handle this scenario.


Per Gunsarfs

Jul 03, 2018 15:20


Thanks for your reply. Can confirm the below logic works.

      protected void Application_Start()
            ContentTypeRepository.ContentTypeSaved += (sender,eventArgs) =>
                // Logic here
Jul 03, 2018 16:02

Hey Luke,

Just a small side-note. You should rather use an initialization module to subscribe to events. Read more 

They will get re-executed in case of an exception + you can add dependencies. A very similar example to yours: 


Jul 08, 2018 15:44
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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