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AB Testing setup


I have just installed Episerver.Marketing.Testing 2.1.0 on my site, but it does not appear anywhere in episerver back office. Firstly I installed it from Nuget, I then updated my database accordingly, and finally ran my site.

What did I miss?

Aug 23, 2018 13:39

Any errors?

Aug 25, 2018 0:15

The product is not easy to find and you have to have at least two versions of some content to make it apear. Have a look at this site if it might help:

This is if you do have installed the nugest and do not have any errors in the console :)

Aug 25, 2018 23:10

The error I first got was a missmatch of DLL version and DLL version specifiec in web.config. In accordance with recommendations from Episerver support I had to change the version in web.config manualy. This is a bug in 2.1.0 of the A/B testing plugin.

The next error I got was this.


<Message>An error has occurred.</Message>
The object has not yet been initialized. Ensure that HttpConfiguration.EnsureInitialized() is called in the application's startup code after all other initialization code.
at System.Web.Http.Routing.RouteCollectionRoute.get_SubRoutes() at System.Web.Http.Routing.RouteCollectionRoute.GetRouteData(String virtualPathRoot, HttpRequestMessage request) at System.Web.Http.WebHost.Routing.HttpWebRoute.GetRouteData(HttpContextBase httpContext)

Aug 27, 2018 8:03
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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