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Page/Block Types missing in edit mode/can't edit blocks


More quirky issues with my development site.  Just synced up data from production down to development (SQL backup/restore, replace existing) and noticed that I can't edit a container with blocks (Sub Menu Nav type).  That led me to notice that all pages are missing a type next to ID when looking at the CMS in Edit Mode.  I also don't have the ability to choose page types when creating a new page, same with blocks.  StartPage is listed in the ContentType table, and my Home Page of ID 52, shows a ContentType of 6 in the Content database.

Any ideas what relationship is broken?  What SQL query can I run to check?



May 18, 2020 17:03

The relationship is enforced using foreign keys in the database, and should not be broken during backup/restore. Are you sure you are checking the same type of Id?

In the table tblContent the primary key is ContentId.

In the table tblContentType the primary key is ContentTypeId.

The Id you see in edit mode is the ContentId. You would normally see the ContentType name, not the ContentTypeId.

Have you checked the content types in admin mode? Anything funky over there?

Edited, May 19, 2020 5:03
- May 19, 2020 18:36
Everything looked good in Admin/Content Types. The behavior was odd. Especially since it resolved itself after upgrading Episerver CMS.

I upgraded and rebuilt the site and I was able to see ID, Type of 52, Start Page again in the page properties window.  At least that was until I refreshed this morning and now I'm getting dojo errors and the page won't show in the editor and All Properties doesn't work.  I can't think of anything that I had done to change the site to produce an error.  The other issue is all of my site contentassets are now broken.  

I keep getting quirky issues with my stage site (it has commerce installed where production does not).  Trying to work through these issues so I can get Commerce pushed up to production.  

May 19, 2020 14:06

Looks like my upgrade of TinyMce is what broke things.  Need to fix the code that was setting defaults (DefaultTinyMCESettings).  dojo errors...  

May 19, 2020 14:40
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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