Maintaining availability through database schema updates


I'm trying to set-up a process whereby we automatically pull and deploy the latest EPiServer packages every week. My concern is how to maintain site availability when there is a database update. How do others hanlde this?

My current thinking is to have a blue-green deployment:

  • Maintain two sets of front-end servers and databases
  • When starting a deployment stop the CMS / make it read-only (not sure how to do this yet...)
  • Clone the live database (blue) into the alternative database (green).
  • Deploy the new front-end(s) to the green servers. 
  • Make an HTTP request to 'warm-up' the green servers. This should also trigger the database migratin (with automatic schema updates).
  • Re-configure the load balancer to redirect traffic from the blue to green front-ends.

Can anyone offer any advice?

Aug 10, 2020 16:47
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