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Difficult to write plugins with dependencies to TinyMce in CMS 12


When writing plugins to CMS12 that adds buttons to the TinyMCE editor you need to modify the configuration of the TinyMceConfiguration class during startup.

Problem is that when I need the TinyMceConfiguration class, I need to add a dependency to EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce NuGet package.

I have two problems with the EPiServer.CMS.TinyMce package.

  1. It includes content files and when I create a plugin, I would prefer to add dependencies to a "Core" package that only contains the "data" classes that I need to get access to.
    In my case, I only need access to the EPiServer.Cms.TinyMce.Core.TinyMceConfiguration class
  2. It has a large dependency graph, for instance, it depends on the EPiServer.CMS.UI package (that in turn also includes a lot of content files, adding to problem issue 1)

I would suggest splitting the TinyMce package into a UI and a Core package to reduce issues 1 and 2 for this architecture.

Oct 25, 2021 11:23
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