Cannot select table row property type Header - TinyMCE


I need to make a row in a table created by the table plugin a header row (thead). I can select the row and click row properties but the only option available under type is "Body". No other options exist. We have other instances of TinyMCE 2.1.3 configured for other customers that does show the header option in the dropdown. I have reviewed the configurations for these instances and cannot see a difference between the editors with the header option and the editor I'm currently working on.

We are using Episerver and Episerver.Cms.tinyMCE version

From the config file.

public class TinyMceInitializationModule : IConfigurableModule
        public void ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
            context.Services.Configure<TinyMceConfiguration>(config =>

                config.For<ContentTableBlock>(p => p.Content)
                    .Menubar("edit insert format")
                    .AddPlugin("table link media image lists")

                    .AddSetting("extended_valid_elements", "span[*],script[*],a[*]")
                    .AddSetting("allow_script_urls", true)
                    .AddSetting("preview_styles", false)
                    .AddSetting("fontsize_formats", "16px")
                    .AddSetting("table_default_styles", new { })
                    .AddSetting("table_default_attributes", new { })
                    .AddSetting("menu", new
                        edit = new { title = "Edit", items = "undo redo | cut copy paste pastetext | selectall" },
                        insert = new { title = "Insert", items = "inserttable link image media" },
                        format = new { title = "Format", items = " bold italic underline strikethrough superscript subscript" }
                            title = "Table Styles",
                            items = new[]
                                new { title = "Bordered", selector = "table", classes = "table table-bordered" },
                                new { title = "Striped", selector = "table", classes = "table table-striped" },
                                new { title = "Stacked", selector = "table", classes = "table table-stacked" }
                            title = "Floats", // done
                            items = new[]
                                new { title = "Float Left", selector = "img,a,button", classes = "float-left" },
                                new { title = "Float Right", selector = "img,a,button", classes = "float-right" },
                                new { title = "Float None",  selector = "img,a,button", classes = "float-none" },
                                new { title = "Float Clear",  selector = string.Empty, classes = "float-clear" },
                                new { title = "Clearfix", selector = string.Empty, classes = "clearfix" }
                            title = "Text Style", // done
                            items = new[]
                                new { title = "Paragraph", block = "p", format = "p" },
                                new { title = "Heading 2", block = "h2", format = "h2" },
                                new { title = "Heading 3", block = "h3", format = "h3" },
                                new { title = "Heading 4", block = "h4", format = "h4" },
                                new { title = "Heading 5", block = "h5", format = "h5" },
                                new { title = "Heading 6", block = "h6", format = "h6" }
                        "table tabledelete | tableprops tablerowprops tablecellprops | tableinsertrowbefore tableinsertrowafter tabledeleterow | tableinsertcolbefore tableinsertcolafter tabledeletecol | help fullscreen",
                        "undo redo | bold italic | image epi-image-editor | epi-link | unlink | alignleft alignright aligncenter alignjustify | indent outdent | bullist numlist ");

        public void Initialize(InitializationEngine context)

        public void Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context)

I need to be able to set a row to type = Header on a created table.

Thank you

Feb 24, 2021 16:51

I'm facing the same issue. Did you find any solution to this?

Update: A newer version of Episerver.Cms.tinyMCE solves this issue.

Edited, Aug 25, 2021 12:57
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