Error in log files: CatalogPageProvider - Product List page type is not valid, property CatalogNode or NodeName not found.


We are using Commerce R1 and have quite a few rows for this error below in our error log:

EPiServer.Business.Commerce.Providers.CatalogPageProvider - Product List page type is not valid, property CatalogNode or NodeName not found. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.    at EPiServer.Business.Commerce.Providers.CatalogPageProvider.GetPage(String key, PageReference pageLink, ILanguageSelector languageSelector)

 Checking the code for method GetPage in IlSpy, the following code seems to be run when the error occurs:   
     pageData.Property["CatalogNode"].Value = dictionary["ID"];   
     pageData.Property["NodeName"].Value = CatalogContext.Current.GetCatalogNode(dictionary["ID"]).Name;   

The page template [Commerce] Product Listing has both of these properties, CatalogNode and NodeName, if the message is accurate.  We have not seen any troubles due to this that we know of, but alot of errors in the error log is disturbing.  
Anyone have any ideas why we are seeing this error and how to fix it?  

Thanks for your input :-)  
/ Markus

Nov 26, 2012 11:53
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