Product Update Hook


Is it possible to setup a hook that will get control when product is being updated?

I mean something like global hook that can handle:

  - product update in CMS

  - product update in Commerce Manager

  - product update via API


Is Mediachase.Commerce.Catalog.EventContext suitable for ?

How cna I handle update event and update some "calculated" fields in product?

Apr 02, 2014 19:20

The recommended way in EPiServer 7.5 is to use the IContent model for all work with the catalog and hock up the DataFactory events.

The old commerce logger still works for commerce manager defined in ecf.catalog .config (replace CatalogLogger with your own)

<Catalog autoConfigure="true">


    <add type="Mediachase.Commerce.Catalog.Loggers.CatalogLogger, Mediachase.Commerce" />


Apr 09, 2014 11:23
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