How to add meta fields to Cart


Guys, could you provide an example of configurations that allow meta fields "MetaField1" for ecommerce Cart object:

cart0["MetaField1"] = 5; //for example

As I understand I have to declare metafield somehow first to use it in application.

Thank you!

Jul 14, 2014 16:12


The answer of David is for the administration/manual approach. You can also do it programmatically, by those API:s





Jul 15, 2014 6:05

David, Quan, thank you for the answers. David, yes, I have to do it via API. 

Quan, I have an issue related to Mediachase.MetaDataPlus.Configurator.MetaClass.AddField - it always adds row with SystemMetaClassId = 0 to MetaField table. But I need to specify the class (otherwise contraints exception about uniqe (Name, SystemMetaClassId) pair is thrown). But I haven't found any methods to specify SystemMetaClassId on creation. Maybe you can recommend something?

Jul 15, 2014 11:26


You don't have to specify SystemMetaClassId on creation. That should be done automatically. Can you post your code here?



Jul 15, 2014 11:37

var mc = MetaClass.Load(OrderContext.MetaDataContext, OrderConfiguration.Instance.MetaClasses.ShoppingCartClass.Name);


var metaField = MetaField.Create(MetaDataContext.Instance, metaFieldCreatingParam.Namespace, metaFieldCreatingParam.Name, metaFieldCreatingParam.FriendlyName, metaFieldCreatingParam.Description, metaFieldCreatingParam.MetaDataType, metaFieldCreatingParam.Length, metaFieldCreatingParam.AllowNulls, metaFieldCreatingParam.MultiLanguageValue, metaFieldCreatingParam.AllowSearch, metaFieldCreatingParam.IsEncrypted);


Should this code set SystemMetaClassId field? Possible field SystemMetaClassId is something obsolete, since MetaClassMetaFieldRelation table exists?..

Jul 15, 2014 11:46

Yes, it should work. The relations between metaclasses and metafields are stored in MetaClassMetaFieldRelation, and I don't see any problem with your code. What's the error you got?


Jul 15, 2014 12:32

There is no problems with the code if I don't have DisplayName in MetaField table yet, but there is problem that I have already metafiled with Name="DisplayName" and SystemMetaClassId = 0, but let's say it doesn't suit my purposes because of length. Can I create another metafield called "DisplayName" with another length? Is it possible? 

So could you please clarify conception a little: now all metafields in MetaField table are "globally" defined? I mean that for example if I need assign DisplayName field to some metaclass and this field already exists in MetaField table, should I use this existent field? I am not able to create another one with other parameters (like length, isNullable, etc) that fits the needs of some concrete metaclass, am I right?

Jul 15, 2014 12:45

So why not just delete the old Display Name then create a new one? Having two meta fields with same name is not recommended.



Jul 16, 2014 1:09
Jul 16, 2014 14:04

Quan, ok, understood. Thank you for the comments.

Jul 16, 2014 14:04
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