Paypal integration


I am trying to add paypal as a payment provider for our site and came across this topic for the add-on

However, after following the directions, I get an error about no ViewModel for the payment type.  I don't see ViewModels in the download and I'm not sure about the placement of the ascx files that I copied to the templates directory, since our site did not have that directory structure, I created it as specified in the deployment instructions. My site is based on Quicksilver.

Nov 01, 2016 15:01


The sample payment providers only support WebForms - if you want to use them in Quicksilver (MVC) you have to implement that yourselves. We have a plan to update those to MVC, but it won't happen any time soon.



Nov 01, 2016 16:02

Hi Kelley,

I recently was able to get this payment provider working in an MVC project without having to do any customizations to the files in the download that Episerver provides. If you have more specific questions or errors that you are seeing, I may be able to help. 



Nov 02, 2016 14:49

Hi John,

Can you please tell us about your solution?


/Viet Anh

Jan 18, 2017 5:37

Hi Viet Anh,

What exactly would you like to know? Please let me know, and I will give you the details. 



Jan 19, 2017 17:53


If possible can you share your code somewhere (Github preferably)? We are going to implement our payment gateways in MVC and it would be interesting to look at partners' implementations - we of course want to know more about what you usually want and can integrate that into our packages.



Jan 20, 2017 9:18

Hello John,

  Did you simply create a view model to populate the payment method? Also are you using serializable carts? I am curious how you got it working without customization as well. Any input would be appreciated.


Jan 27, 2017 22:53
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