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Update pricing data Job



I am trying to create a scheduled job that updates pricing infomation. When I run the job I can add new data using IPriceDetailService.Save(see below), but I am not sure how to update existing pricing data.

public IPriceDetailValue SavePriceDetailValue(Entry catalogEntry)

    var priceDetailService = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance();
    // Set Price Detail value for Catalog Entry.
    var priceDetailValue = new PriceDetailValue
        CatalogKey = new CatalogKey(catalogEntry),
        MarketId = new MarketId("US"),
        CustomerPricing = CustomerPricing.AllCustomers,
        ValidFrom = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-7),
        ValidUntil = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(7),
        MinQuantity = 0m,
        UnitPrice = new Money(100m, Currency.USD)
    return priceDetailService.Save(priceDetailValue);

Thank you in advance

Mar 01, 2016 22:54

Not possible to just use the List method to get the existing and then update them and then call save with the updated values as parameter?

...or am I missing something? :)

Edited, Mar 01, 2016 23:57

is possible to provide sample code of what you are refereing too? I am new to this.

Thank you in advance

Mar 02, 2016 0:42
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