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Do you mean this
It surely gives you more than 4 hits, but it's not trivial to show more data
Yes, exactly. Can I modify the result? Our customer has difficulties finding there products and I would like to add the code in the result like "12345 - Puma Yellow Sneakers".
Is that possible?
I agree that it is a reasonable request. I will add a story to the backlog for the Commerce team and let them handle it
You can try and attempt to replace the search provider and override the Search function.
The SearchResult contains a MetaData dictionary, if it contains the code you can append it to the title of the search results and return that.
Warning: Off-hand and untested, but it should look like something like this:
public class CustomCatalogSearchProvider : EPiServerSearchProviderBase<CatalogContentBase, ContentType>, ISortable
private readonly LocalizationService _localizationService;
public override string Area => "Commerce/Catalog";
public int SortOrder => 500;
public override string Category => _localizationService.GetString("/Commerce/Edit/Provider/SearchProductCatalog/Category");
protected override string IconCssClass => "epi-resourceIcon epi-resourceIcon-page";
public CustomCatalogSearchProvider(LocalizationService localizationService, ISiteDefinitionResolver siteDefinitionResolver, IContentTypeRepository<ContentType> contentTypeRepository, EditUrlResolver editUrlResolver, ServiceAccessor<SiteDefinition> currentSiteDefinition, IContentRepository contentRepository, ILanguageBranchRepository languageBranchRepository, SearchHandler searchHandler, ContentSearchHandler contentSearchHandler, SearchIndexConfig searchIndexConfig, UIDescriptorRegistry uiDescriptorRegistry, LanguageResolver languageResolver, UrlResolver urlResolver, TemplateResolver templateResolver) : base(localizationService, siteDefinitionResolver, contentTypeRepository, editUrlResolver, currentSiteDefinition, contentRepository, languageBranchRepository, searchHandler, contentSearchHandler, searchIndexConfig, uiDescriptorRegistry, languageResolver, urlResolver, templateResolver)
_localizationService = localizationService;
public override IEnumerable<SearchResult> Search(Query query)
var resultList = base.Search(query).ToList();
foreach (var result in resultList)
result.Title = $"{result.Metadata["Code"]} - {result.Title}";
return resultList;
@Erik, almost!
It overrides the search but the metadata does not contain "code", any idea why?
It should be "code" instead of "Code" - Metadata might be case sensitive
I raised the request(s) to our UX designer and she is looking into it
Ok. Neither Code or code exists in the metadat. I did an ugly workaround for now but it does the job:
foreach (var result in resultList)
var catalogContentBase = _contentLoader.Get<CatalogContentBase>(new ContentReference(result.Metadata["Id"]));
if (catalogContentBase is VariationContent content)
result.Title = $"{content.Code} - {result.Title}";
return resultList;
Works for now, but of course if you can add something by default that would be nicer.
Or maybe I just need to configure something to get the Code in the metadata?
I see, you are inheriting from the base CMS class, not the "Commerce" one. That is why Metadata does not contain code.
The commerce search provider is now in Commerce.Shell assembly, so it is not exactly public APIs
Ok. Well the code above help our customers alot so they are fine with that for now.
Thanks Quan!
@Quan so are you saying if we replace EPiServerSearchProviderBase<CatalogContentBase, ContentType> in the code above with ProductSearchProvider it will work directly from the MetaData without any need to use the ContentLoader?
@Kristoffer As Quan pointed out this search provider is based on the CMS instead of the commerce which means it is using a different Lucene search index in the background.
See my blog for more details: How to enable cms search for catalogs
Especially read the comments as my colleague Johan Book posted a much better solution to set the title.
I Episerver you can search the catalogue. It gives you maximum 4 hits.
Is there anyway to modify this internal search? Both to give you more than 4 hits and to show more data?