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This error showed up on a production (not yet live) server.

It's troubling because the build was showing no issues for a week prior but there has been an extensive content entry on the Catalog and CMS side. 

[TypeMismatchException: The backing type 'EPiServer.Core.PropertyDate' is not a registered PropertyDefinitionType]
   EPiServer.DataAbstraction.RuntimeModel.Internal.PropertyDefinitionSynchronizer.ResolveType(PropertyDefinitionModel model) +341
   EPiServer.DataAbstraction.RuntimeModel.Internal.ContentTypeModelRegister.ValidateChangeOfModelType(PropertyDefinitionModel propertyModel, String modelName) +66
   EPiServer.DataAbstraction.RuntimeModel.Internal.ContentTypeModelRegister.SetStateForPropertyDefinitionModels(ContentTypeModel model) +137
   EPiServer.DataAbstraction.RuntimeModel.Internal.ContentTypeModelRegister.<AnalyzeProperties>b__14_0(ContentTypeModel model) +59
   System.Threading.Tasks.<>c__DisplayClass31_0`2.<ForEachWorker>b__0(Int32 i) +63
   System.Threading.Tasks.<>c__DisplayClass17_0`1.<ForWorker>b__1() +928
   System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke() +39
   System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvokeWithArg(Task childTask) +18
   System.Threading.Tasks.<>c__DisplayClass176_0.<ExecuteSelfReplicating>b__0(Object ) +199

It appears it could be something related to the data entry that is creating corrupted data and resulting issue. I say this because I’ve ran an old release against the production dbs and get the same issue in my local environment.

If anyone has had experience with this or solved an issue like this your comments are greatly appreciated.




Jun 04, 2019 23:14

This issue was solved by running a SQL insert command on the tblPropertyDefinitionType table to enter a supporting property type for PropertyDate. 

It's still a mystery as to why this wasn't discovered during local development and made it's way all the way to production and seemed to go down during a weekend when there was no usage of the not live yet site. 

Jun 06, 2019 20:23
This topic was created over six months ago and has been resolved. If you have a similar question, please create a new topic and refer to this one.
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