Fallback language for commerce content


Is it possible to set fallback language for commerce content? This answer from 2017 said it didn't work back then, and I can't really get it to work now either (not on latest version, but 13.7 is relatively new). I want to achieve a solution where I enable a new language (for example french) and that all CMS and commerce content fallback to english while still being on the french site. This works fine for CMS content but when it comes to commerce content, the framework generates URLs to the english site.

If this still is not possible, I'm looking at overriding IContentLanguageSettingsHandler and "re-route" requests for french commerce content to english commerce content.

public ContentLanguageSetting Get(ContentReference contentLink, string languageBranch)
    if (languageBranch == "fr" && IsCatalogContent(contentLink))
        return new ContentLanguageSetting(contentLink, "fr", null, new [] {"en"}, true);

    return _handler.Get(contentLink, languageBranch);

Do you see any risks with this approach?

Edited, Mar 09, 2020 13:19
Menno Zeilstra - Oct 10, 2023 11:38
I am Using 14.7 at this moment and it is still not working. @Andreas J. Did the above approach work?

No one? Quan? :)

Mar 13, 2020 11:56
Quan Mai - Mar 16, 2020 22:12
Andreas J - Mar 16, 2020 22:15
I'm asking for your help, if that wasn't obvious.
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