If I understand correctly, you are getting results and their TotalMatch value having difference. If so, then you need to rebuild your indexes. This will fix your issue.
If you're using shared find service you can use following setting.
<add key="episerver:Find.ReindexMySitesOnly" value="true"/>
Then, index rebuild will not affect other environment which are using the same service url.
You can read in more detail here
Let me know if that not work.
@Praful , thank you for your advice, I reindexed the EpiFind, however the result is the same, maybe I should do something for the field?
@Praful, duplicated ticket with https://world.episerver.com/forum/developer-forum/EPiServer-Search/Thread-Container/2021/2/termfacet-and-filter/#248372 , issue had been solved
Hi, we got a inaccurate TermCount by using TermFacet and Filter in Epi find..
We are using the multiple TermFacetFor, however in one of these TermFacets, we have a special requirement.
For example, a variantA did not have any tags in this special TermFacet, however its related variants does have a tag, so ths variantA should be inclued in the TermFacet which meams the Terms count should show more result. However our ContentResult ===> TermFacet ===> TermCount did not show the whole amount whereas the ContentResult ====> SearchResult =====> TotalMatching could show the accurate result after we took a special filtering. So the question is could we reset the TermCount in EpiFind.?