Sortfilter with newslist

I have a newslist that I would like to sort on a property but I need to change the sort algorithm. If the porp. contains: "f12", "f123", "f25" and "f3" I would like to sort them like this: f3 f12 f25 f123 As of now I use SortBy="MyProp" but the sort ends up like this: f12 f123 f25 f3 I need to add some kind of sortfilter in the codebehind to sort it correct. .... Templates...
Aug 25, 2006 14:54
Hi. Take a look at the FAQ EPiServer 4 here: Search for "Filter" and you will find many sorting tips, and an example on how to sort the way you want (Q936). /Øyvind
Sep 05, 2006 14:23
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