How to go about creating a page without a view mode?

I'd like to have a number of pages that would only be available in edit mode, they are simple storage containers and I don't want the user to have to click through to edit mode but rather the edit mode being the default view when they click the page in the hierarchy tree. I think I recall having an erroneous page that threw an exception at some point at me and Episerver hidden the view tab alltogether (which seemed unexpected at that point, but still an interesting trick), but is there a system solution to this? Also is there a setting of any kind for the edit mode to be the default tab throughout the site? I don't really find the preview mode all that useful for us and is seems to insist on opening the preview first every time we switch to another page in edit mode.
Nov 09, 2007 13:00
I know you can select which tab to display in EPiServer CMS by setting a key in we.config. But not sure for EPi 4.6x. Maybe this one?
Dec 20, 2007 10:47
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