Shortcut/External Link redirecting off site gives a 404.

Firstly we are using CMS 5 and friendly urls. The client wants to have friendly urls to place on his advertising which link to branded pages on other peoples sites, i.e. -> We have been trying to use the Shortcut/External Link settings to create pages that have an External Link setting that is external to the site, and they seam to work if you view them in the admin view or if you use them as a link within a page, however if you type the url in ( then we get a 404 error. I have looked through the admin settings, docs, etc and cannot see anything that sys this is not possible or that we have to change something to get it to work. Is this possible? and if so, is there something we need to set to make it work? Thanks, Jim.
Nov 15, 2007 13:28
The property you're looking for is the "Simple address for this page" and is on the Advanced tab. Enter "/holiday" there, and it should work ok. /Steve
Nov 15, 2007 21:50
Thanks for the advice, but unfortunately it didn't work. The "Simple address" form this page is already set correctly. Other pages, that redirect within our site work, i.e. -> It's just the ones that link to pages external to our site. Is this a bug? Or is this not a supported feature? -Jim.
Nov 16, 2007 11:03
* You are NOT allowed to include any hyperlinks in the post because your account hasn't associated to your company. User profile should be updated.